Yesteryear Equestrian Stables
Most of our Horses are of the Gaited Breeds.
Gaits are: The Manner a person or animal moves in. A regular horse has a 2 beat trotting gait which is usually considered jolting to the rider. Gaited horses have a natural alternative to this, varying by breed.
We have Missouri Fox Trotters, Tennessee Walkers, Rocky Mountain and Saddlebreds. For the rider who prefers the regular 'gaits' there is usually a Quarter Horse or a regular gaited Saddlebred available.Check out our Links Page for sites where you can find out more on gaited horses.
Beaumontis a favorite of nearly everyone.
He's a natural leader and one of the smoothest of rides.
- Winchester is a tennesee walker. He has an incredibly fast running walk
and is big enough for big riders.
Jericho is a small Missouri Fox Trotter with a huge personality.
Just the right size for the smaller rider.
- Marengo is a Missouri Fox Trotter with comfortable gaits.
- Prince John is a smooth, Missouri Fox Trotter with a gentle attitude.
Easy going for a relaxed ride.