So I’m finally at the validation stage of building my site.
Naturally I’m running into easy issues like Seamonkey Composer not
using proper end tags. Of course, I didn’t expect it to be
perfect, I only used it because I was in a big hurry to get all
that Cafepress stuff up.
Then there is the external link issue. Turns out my referral tags
have unsupported characters in them. There is nothing I can do
about it. Nothing. The referral links are designed by Greeting Card
Universe and Zazzle. If I want my royalties I must use them.
Finally there are the bizarre CSS issues. I gave up on those when
I realized I was getting two or three different results from the
same validator and the same css stylesheet!
At long last I joined a horse community called Barnmice.
Looking forward to reconnecting with the horse community.
I already joined Deviant art the other day, and they’ve certainly
inspired my art lately in many ways. There is some truly brilliant
stuff up there.
So this just leaves what to do about the original Starhorsepax .
I’m hoping to redirect the original URL and recreating it as a
kid’s site.
Now if only in this business I can actually make some money
instead of just spending it. Horses and art are good for the soul.
Hopefully I can translate that into earning money too.
Moonlight Prancer Horse by starhorsepax
I really love free brushes for Gimp and Photoshop. Moon is by Hawksmonte, Water by Obsidian Dawn. Most of them I found on Brusheezy